Divino Nino - Costa Rica 
Divino Nino - Costa Rica 

Divino Nino - Costa Rica

Regular price Dhs. 70.00 Dhs. 72.00 ( vat excl ) Sale

At the farm where the coffee Divino Nino grows, there are several animals and Mauricio Vindas together with his family are very close to nature and dedicated to coffee growing. The family of Mauricio Vindas is growing coffee in the last 10 years.

origin San Pablo, Leon Cortes, Tarrazu,  COSTA RICA 
altitude 1900 m
variety Caturra, Catuai
processing natural
cup profile Blueberry, cocoa nib's, raisin, black cherry acidity, syrupy body
suggested for Espresso & Filter
Espresso recipe
In: 21gr 
Out: 34gr 
Time: 24sec 
Filter coffee repice 
90-93° degrees 
Pouring time: 1'-1' & 30''
Extraction time: 2'-2'& 15''